Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How to add instant sparkle to life

As we go about doing our day to day ativities and struggling to make a living we all tend to forget to LIVE.Slowly our life gets tiring and boring.
Add some worries to this state of mind- u have a frustrating life.Which is what most of us live,but none like it.How to get back the lost colour in our life?
All of us know the trick, but never practice.Here are the time tested techniques to bring colour to our grey routines called life.
1) Have a hearty meal

2) Spend sometime with yourself.You and you alone.Doing what you love to do.

3) Connect to the nature. A flower or breeze can instantly prepup ur mood if given time.

4) Take your kid out on a weekend.

5) Get together with family and friends.

Indulge in an adrenaline rushing sport.

7) Take a quiet stroll under the moon

Life is not about the final destination.It is all about living each day with a smile and satisfaction.Is it not?

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