The other day i was watching the movie 17 again. It was fun but got me thinking.There are many times in life where we want to go back in time and correct our mistakes. I can say with absolute confidence everybody has this secret desire.If only we could go back and start saving early, go back and choose a different career,life partner etc.. etc..Its true everybody wishes for it.But oh no! that is impossible.Although we love this fantasy with all our hearts that magic is just not possible. But what is possible is try to make the most of this day.THE PRESENT HOUR,MINUTE.
I know very well i cannot come back to this minute again and re-do anything- Hence i constantly keep thinking "what i can do to make this minute great? what i should do now so that i do not want to RE-DO it anytime?". This is very important.These questions show us so many possibilities- Although we cannot do everything so very perfect as we may lack the extra information that future brings, we still can try to give it our best.So that its worth our invaluable time.
Most of the time we look back at our past and grieve about things not done well or missed opportunities and look at the future with worries.Doing this we end up losing our most valuable possesion- our present.This day,this minute- i just want to make it beautiful.I just want it worth remembering later.I have no idea what future brings my way,nor do i want to think and regret about all my roads not taken.I have learnt through hard experience that i should live in today and thats what makes me feel happy and satisfied.I try to give my best today and just leave it at that. I have this quote by Ralph.W.Emerson hung up at my desk
Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense.
You are so right, my friend. Yesterday is gone … tomorrow may not come.
You are so right, my friend. Yesterday is gone … tomorrow may not come.
Thanks a lot Maxi for your comment.
Love your article on living life fully. Just came across something similar
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